Friday, May 29, 2009

2 days later : 2 pm : 29th May 2552/2009

not sure what this is all about...i had fun taking pictures of this boy standing near the small shrine.....the lighting is very nice......and looks like the boy can almost fit in the shrine!!!
the shrine is the community people's decoration which i find very interesting...very chinese..still.
it really gives more sense of living in a chinese house!!! and very nice to know they still realise that it is a chinese house that needs this kind of shrine!!!

haha...he can fit in the lowest box!!!

maybe this place can be the next musician house....

under the ladder.....

where they put the team member pictures.....

on the other side...

this natual light actually really works.....enough light inside.....

from the mezzanine.....

the lighting......natural and not natural.....

look!!! it's from the roof hole!!! but under the lamp!

the kids were experimenting SOCKS!!!! so they're not here to read books but socks!!!!
K.Y :-)

2 days later : 11 am : 29th May 2552/2009

Went in at around 11:00 today. was very hot. saw Chok, P ning ( the shop lady ), Auyn, and everyone playing Hi-Low (<--have to highlight this!) The library seemed quiet...maybe all the kids were still at school

still very nice paintings.....

is that the sun?????

more books today ; some are from The Nation magazine, some are from my mom. Buddhism books....mediation and stuff....

Think maybe this has become P Un ( the veggie guy )'s new bedroom!!!! Haha...this is 3rd time seeing him sleeping here!!!! Niceeeee!!!!

Amazing patterns on the Sung-Ga-See. ( iron roof??!!! is it called like that??!!) At 11 am.
Nice.....the curves of the roof create the curving patterns.....

Good Byes :-( at 9 pm

it was around 9:00 that the community people were waiting to say goodbye!!!
last pictures together!!! everyone!! kids and adults.....
28th May 2552/2009

'mai-kao-hong-mai' library / ห้องสมุด'ไม้เก่า ห้องใหม่'

This blog is to keep me...and everyone interested updated about the Mai-kao Hong-mai library at Talad Kao Minburi after the TYIN group has left. The idea is to look at changes and stories from now on and how the library and people continue their own"space". Not only here in the library but EVERYWHERE.....

Would be very interesting to see how they 'play' with their own spaces from now on after the playground and the library were changed into the better environment.....
and what their "building change" architecture will turn into.......

and who are the PEOPLE involved?
and where is the next space to change???
and how they change it?????
and where are the materials?
so many questions to think about!!!
so all changes seen by anybody are very welcome here.....................
will keep u all updated as much as possible!!!
K.Y :-)